
Monday, October 4, 2010

"I want you to notice...when I'm not around"

I have my 12 Project picture, I do! September has, needlessly to say, so crazy. Matt and I found ourselves at the bottom of the pool so to speak about part way through September as we tried to balance full-time studies on two accounts, committing to small group, trying to make good on some promises we made regarding our families in the summer, and trying to see each other enough to enjoy it in the process.

But now it is fall. And I am happy.

It smelled like fall the other day, crisp and soundless like I remember of Calgary. The leaves are falling in a magic array of burning. Then yesterday it was so foggy that you couldn't even see the North Shore across the water. This place trips me up. But it's October and I'm still going running in shorts and a t-shirt.

Life has been amazing in the face of the flurry though. We played host three days in a row which I know is laughable to some but today I want to stick my head in a box big time. And the last week has essentially been a bender. I have vowed myself to explicitly water for the next week so make up to my liver a bit. We have some really great friends through small group and church and Regent, all people that love God and want to glorify him in loving each other. Such a cool circle to be a part of.

Thanksgiving is next weekend!

Vegan Yum Yum (at right) speaks my language. She interprets needlessly but classically meat centred dishes to be meatless in a
way that makes me wishes I could actually cook as well as I think I can. (I'm also not totally sure whether it's that I can't cook or whether I am an apathetic eater at best.) Holidays with friends are wicked fun. Maybe Thanksgiving in particular. It is a time where you are thankful for all you have and we have so much to be thankful for. And you get to experience the dining habits and traditions of other people. We never had candied sweet potatoes at Thanksgiving because my dad is a purist among other things. I had had them at other get together and never really understood the huge deal. But then last year we did Orphan Thanksgiving with Ange and I had these candied yams that redefined what they could be. No marshmallow gunk on top, not too sweet. Just right. We're doing it with Scott and Jo this year. We both have...compact homes so it will be funny to see how we manage with large quantities of food and multiple guests.

~And how mega cute would stuff like this be to have as some of your serving dishes. One day. When we plan to STAY. Etsy man, it's the place.
~This lady does things with Jell-O that I never thought you could. Reminds me of Cami.
~ I saw this yesterday. Such a great movie! I want to BE Aaron Sorkin sometimes. He writes the best dialogue.

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