
Friday, November 5, 2010

"Two brown eyes...are looking out for you."

think this picture is immaculate. Flickr is the best.

What makes you notice someone?

The funny thing about attending a large university (one of the funny things I guess) is that you are constantly people-watching. Not that you don't do this at a small university, or anywhere else to be honest, but at a large university with many students, you really have no choice. I'm drawn to people that are so at home with themselves, that simply being a
t peace sets them apart. Those that aren't afraid to be seen. The petite Asian girl in the library with a massive head of dreads. Or the girl with skull candy head phones and chains running the length of each
pant leg. The guy who stands head and shoulders above everyone else and still wears a mustard yellow shirt, not afraid to be a beacon from miles away. People that unabashedly sing along with their music through headphones. The huge metal guy in my class with a
massive viking beard who talks baby talk to his eighteen-month-old son over the phone before he heads into class.

I see people who like slouchy toques and big socks like me. People who wear brightly coloured tights. People who speak in different languages. People who speak up in class. People who walk with their heads up. People who make eye contact. People who seem comfortable in themselves. And Jewish people. Matt and I walked past a synagogue earlier this week just as a service was letting out. It was all 'Shabbat Shalom' awesomeness all over the place. With yarmulkes all over the place. Best. Thing. Ever.

This picture makes me smile. I miss my sisters.

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