
Friday, July 2, 2010

The 12 Project

One of my favorite blogs, Walk Slowly, Live Wildly, wrote about this idea that I absolutely love. The 12 Project is to photograph your family once a month. It's not even just a posterity thing. Sara at Happy Janssens will bind hers at the end of the year but... we have SO many books. We have an obscene amount of photos as well but I think I might find an awesome collage frame (like this one maybe? Or do something cool like this? Or something along the lines of this even though it's totally gay looking in the picture?) And now that things have leveled out here a little bit, the weather's just getting incredible and it's my one year anniversary this month (!) July is a perfect month. I recently found this site through Offbeat Mama called My Parents Were Awesome which is just such a cool site. People submit pictures of their parents before they were parents and seriously some of these parents are so cool. I love the pictures I have of my parents before they were married and before they hadkids. Smokin', Imean really. And Matt's parents before they were parents were adorable. I think they still are but Matt's dad's mustache and Pam's blunt cut bangs. Ah! I could flip through old pictures like that all day long.
At church two weekends ago, they had their apprentice speak who was GREAT. I think they call it a 'barn burner'? Westside has been moving through 1 Samuel for the past nine months. You could have grown a freakin' baby in that time and still be moving through 1 Samuel. But this James had the honor of closing 1 Samuel and he did a GOOD JOB. He bunnytrails like nobody's business which Matt hates but I totally love because I do too. But James at one part brought up the Glee finale. There was something in the finale that he brought up saying, 'I watch Glee with my wife. Love your wife like Christ loves the Church, you know?" Awesome.

I have a husband that loves me like that. A husband who sacrifices part of his dreams so I can be a part of them. A husband who watches Glee with me. Who holds me close at night when I'm feeling anxious, or sad, or frustrated, or completely content. Who says he's proud of me when I get mad at him. Who graciously answers all of the questions I will inevitably have about any given topic. Who is kept up at night thinking about what kind of man God wants him to become. Who pushes me to become the woman God wants me to become. A husband who tells me daily how beautiful I am and a husband who has transformed how beautiful I feel I am. Who gets baby fever when he sees a little girl with pigtails or a little boy with baby carhartts on. A husband who calls me on my shit and praises my strengths. A husband who tells me daily he needs me. A husband I desperately need. The profound and transformative changes that have happened in the past two years and a bit have blessed me so much. God is so good.
All love your way,

1 comment:

  1. This is a great post!!
    The last paragraph made me cry a bit <3 I am so happy for you Bri!
