
Friday, April 1, 2011

"I'm only good at being young."

Wowz. I feel like I woke up and it was Monday morning and I'm going to sleep and it's Friday. (Yeah I'm going to sleep at noon on Friday. Don't ask questions.)

Last night I had the most hilarious time in my science class. For real. We are in this unit "Personal Genomics" right now and it's…way over my head. It's a junior high level science class and there are times where I coach myself, "Just nod. Don't think. Just nod." Anyways, yesterday we were doing this lab to perform a DNA fingerprint assay. I thought we were actually going to be dealing with fingerprints. Pssh. I mean -I totally knew I was going to be playing with my spit for two and a half hours, I swear. My friend Jenn, who is lovely and funny and makes me feel like being clueless at science isn't so bad, was there to do it all with me. "Doing" being laughing hysterically at our ignorance and incompetence. We had to use this pipetteman thing to pull out a very small amount of our spit and I had to get the teacher to help me. Made me feel sixteen again. "Dave…" as my voice cracks "Can you help me? I can't…see it. I can't see the spit."By the end of the class, I had the hang of "pipetting" liquids. Just in time for me to never have to do it again. I will just add it to the list of skills I have that won't come in handy.

This week is finally over. I have Russian practice tomorrow. (That almost makes me sound like I play a sport. Then again, Russian sort of is a sport. Or at least I go through it with the same lack of coordination I do most sports.) My Russian oral exam is on Monday. We got to prepare our own dialogue but now we have to present it in front of our class. My friend Jelsi and I practiced it yesterday. She brought her handy-dandy Russian boyfriend for editing purposes. One of the words I was mispronouncing was 'whale' when I was meaning to say 'beside'. It'll be a long road, but one day I will make sense.

My allergies are on me like harpies. All the way down my throat is itchy and my eyes always look like I've been punched, all heavy and swollen. I woke up this morning and my eyes looked like that part in Black Swan when Nina pulls the feather out of her back. The bright side is, I have drugs. I can just soup myself up on Benadryl and go about my day feeling groovy. I can't be held responsible for anything I do. I'm under the influence.

My sandals and beach towel are poised and ready as soon as Bankybear catches up and realizes it's spring. We have had some staggeringly beautiful days in the past few weeks so I can tell that the weather is trying. It hasn't quite materialized yet. but alas it has just been yucky lately. I haven't taken my mukluks off in weeks because I am officially acclimatized to West Coast, pansy weather. I used to be made of tougher stuff. Not anymore.

Happy Weekend! Moozh and I are going to a BBQ tomorrow. BBQ's always make me think of summer.

P.S ~ *Language note: When you say 'my husband and I' in Russian, it sounds like "smooshem".
P.P.S ~ I have a countdown on my phone for both of the weddings this summer and I check them every morning. 78 days until Ariesmell's! 95 days until Sasa's! Weeeee!
P.P.P.S ~ Picture of the day. Trash the Dress! I would totally do this! Check out the rest.

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