
Tuesday, April 5, 2011

"Stepping forward, keep us from just singing…"

I'm in the home stretch now. A lot of major projects worth many marks have been handed in. Yesterday I had my Russian oral exam. It was hilarious and ridiculous and we got 95% but through the whole process I was thinking about actually being able to speak Russian one day instead of agonizing over memorizing a script where I say things as difficult as "What will I do if I don't buy razors?"I will get there eventually. I'm taking a Conversational Russian class next year where there will be native speakers present. I will have to make time to take breaks and cry during it but I think that class will be really good for me. 

I'm still waiting for the sun to come out. Bankybear is soggy everywhere. Everywhere you go the grass is like 'Screw this. I'm just not thirsty anymore.' Which is pretty much the feeling of everyone in the Lower Mainland.

My heart is heavy for my best friend right now. She just returned from six weeks in India where she was working in a hospice. She was volunteering at the Mother Theresa House of the Destitute and the Dying. While she was there her Oma passed away. I remember the process of saying goodbye to my Grandpa when he was sick and how agonizing it was to not be there at every moment. This past Sunday I heard this worship song for the first time and it makes me think so much of my best friend and her sense of obedience to where Christ leads her. She lives to "feed the hungry, stand beside the broken" as the song says. This past Sunday, the pastor said something that seems to sum up why I love Easter and Lent season. It was something to the effect of there is death in sin, we find life in the sacrifice of Christ and we find joy in the Eucharist of remembering that sacrifice. As impossible the process of saying goodbye to them seems, they wait there for us. Where they are is better than here. 

 God of justice, Saviour to all
Came to rescue the weak and the poor
Chose to serve and not be served

Jesus, You have called us
Freely we've received
Now freely we will give

We must go live to feed the hungry
Stand beside the broken, we must go
Stepping forward keep us from just singing
Move us into action, we must go

To act justly every day
Loving mercy in every way
Walking humbly before You, God

You have shown us, what You require
Freely we've received
Now freely we will give

Fill us up and send us out
Fill us up and send us out
Fill us up and send us out, Lord

It's April! 74 days until Trotta-P'ron! 91 days until Bauer-Dempsey! Summer is awesome. I want to buy short overalls and creamsicles. Those always make me think of summer. Although I don't know if I could wear short overalls without my family making fun of me endlessly. Maybe jelly sandals, the most uncomfortable shoes ever?

What makes you think of summer?

1 comment:

  1. "As impossible the process of saying goodbye to them seems, they wait there for us. Where they are is better than here."

    I love this line
