
Monday, January 24, 2011

It was the year the crows and the locusts came

I need to edit my posts before I push the 'publish' button.

I could say that it's my attempt at stream of consciousness writing, modernist writing James Joyce style. The only problem with that is no one understands my consciousness, not even me and thus edit, spell check, and a basic grasp on grammar are a must.

Football and friends yesterday and it was SO fun (Way to go Hits-burgh!). I ate Moozh's kick ass chili and Munchie Mix pretty much all day long. And then I had a orange right before I went to be to convince myself that being a vegetarian did include eating fresh fruits and vegetables. And then I proceeded to have nightmares all night. I woke up probably every hour in a hot sweat. I dreamt I was in a concentration camp. I dreamt I died falling off a train platform. I dreamt I was hit by a semi (I've had that one before). And then I dreamt I tucked my skirt into my pantyhose. All in all, a terrifying night.

I just finished slogging through a reading for my Writing for New Media class that had mathematical equations in it. I cry FOUL. I. Do. Not. Do. Math. That is why I'm in creative writing. If I wanted to have a job that would require productive things of me I would have taken classes that made me do math. But did I do that? NO. Last week in that class we were introduced to Hypertext. Read through that stuff (If you have dial up or a PC I'm sorry you're totally screwed). When we were reading it my teacher (who is very cool) drew a diagram of what was...happening to the story. When she was done it looked like when you cook spaghetti and it gets all starchy and sticks together and there are a couple of noodles that dangle off the bizarre clingy mess. That's what it looked like. All of these nodes comin' off each other, it was madness. And I never get anything out of hypertextual stories. This is why I can never be Post Modern (and that fact makes me sad) because I need to 'get' things out of a story. It can be pretty words or a kick ass narrative, I just need there to be a reason that I'm reading it. Which is why I couldn't get through Ulysses. At all.

P.S ~ 2011 is shaping up to be friggin awesome! So many blessings being poured out.

P.P.S ~ I am so disappointed that at The Kitchn this week it's casserole week. Not even The Kitchn can get me friggin' excited for casseroles. I'm done with the potato chip crumble on top and the weird mayonnaise-based sauce. No thanks. And ham. No thanks. But how beautiful is this. How to Nourish Yourself in a Time of Sorrow.

P.P.PS ~ I am SO excited for this book! I has Russian people and it's written by John Vaillant so I will be talking about it until next Christmas.

Happy Monday!

1 comment:

  1. Yeah, I read this. :) And I love casseroles. And ham. Especially...the bacon kind of ham.

    James Joyce=Dublin. He's all they talk about there, besides the pub. And Guinness. And Guinness at the pub. In fact, quotes from his books encircle the lookout on the top of the Guinness storehouse there. You can't escape it. Kinda like how you cannot escape the consciousness of the character in Ulysses. I couldn't get through it.
