
Wednesday, January 12, 2011

When my loneliness is through...

Today is another instalment of Bankybear: Episode Cluster F***, courtesy of bizarre West Coast weather. This snow is snow that when you step on it either 1) turns into water instantaneously 2) turns into flubber (aka the slipperiest stuff on the planet). Last night, totally magical. Last night, when I was inside, in my jammers with dry feet, talking to our lovely  friends Heather and Gabe about their impending parasite to dress and love, totally magical. This morning when I slid halfway back to the beach and my socks were SOAKED by 830 in the morning, not magical. BANKYBEAR! NOT MAGICAL.

We're over it.

Could be worse. We could be in Snowpocalypse. Or in Australia. There is a gif of that clip in the dictionary next to 'chaos'...if dictionaries had gifs (How cool would that be?!). Scary things are happening all over the place because of weather. And I still have copious dry socks at home. We're entering the 'get-over-yourself' phase of this post. And it's also the first anniversary of the devastation in Haiti. A congresswoman was shot in the head at point-blank range in Tuscon and is ALIVE. And responsive!

So btw, BRI.

On a different note, I am finding it harder to 'get in the swing of things' this semester. I had my spurs on (that jingle-jangle-jingle) and I was ready to go last semester. This semester I'm spending a lot of We good, we cool. The only class I am even remotely concerned about is my cognitive systems class and yesterday in class (in response to the 'multiple emails they received from "anxious" students' - I think most of them were from me) my teacher said, "you will be confused these first two weeks with the concepts we introduce. That's how we structured the class". Okey dokey. As long as we're on the same page.

I have a bunch of cilantro and five prime avocados at my disposal. All I can think about lately is guacamole. And that I don't live in Mexico. And why don't I live in Mexico? And we should find a good Mexican restaurant in town. And do you think if I chopped the cilantro and froze it would keep longer? I ask all of these questions at 1130 pm and this makes my husband appreciate me ;)

Things that made me happy today:
I want this t-shirt
Next stop: spare tire. But I am makin' these. 
This is the trailer of a really cool movie called, RIP: a Remix Manifesto and it explores the music industry and piracy. It looks at intellectual property and how the music industry is being radically changed.

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