
Tuesday, January 25, 2011

"Now I'm gonna dress myself for two. Once for me and once for someone new..."

I am officially a paid writer! Frig I'm practically syndicated!


I wrote a piece for the literary supplement because a friend of mine was the editor for it. Little did I know you could win first, second or third place and there was money! Now I only won $25 but I won $25! This may be the largest paycheque I ever get from my writing but I am so proud. I will so enjoy that one Starbucks coffee. I can afford to get it with whip this time!

I need to take a moment out of this post to make mention of all the kickass bitches in my life. (According to my gender theory textbook, being a third-wave feminist, it is totally empowering to phrase it like that.) The Lord has really put amazing, dynamic and diverse women into my life that have gifted me with laughter, profundity, and authentic friendship. They's the best.

I have been waiting for a suitable time to get out and take some more pijjers this week but it has been so gross this week. It snowed mucus snow again earlier this week and then it's been "winter in Vancouver" fairly consistently. Slippery and overcast. So overcast that I would require our external flash that pretty much replicates an atomic bomb blast. I'm not that hardcore yet. I realized I haven't even made it down to Granville Island with the new camera, not to mention that I haven't made it to Coal Harbour, Commercial Drive, Kerrisdale or Stanley Park. Do I deserve to live in a beautiful city? I have by no means earned it.

In my Writing for New Media course, we're in the blogging unit right now, which just sounds funny. Stick something unconventional in a conventional box. Quick! "This is my three box set of Bansky installation art pieces. It was a Chapters special..." (although how sweet would that be). "This is the first of my University lecture series on Advocating Anarchism..." Maybe this is just fun for me. Anyways, the blogging is super fun to think about, it doesn't even feel like work. Our next assignment, however, is a collaborative gaming assignment. Which I know to everyone else is so friggin pimp but I just don't...get it. It's collaborative for one, which for me is frustrating. I work so much more effectively when I don't have to share. I was talking with my group about what we were going to do (which was essentially me having to stick my hand up their ass and puppet them by hand because they're awkward out of their minds!) and we were talking about RPGs, which for other video game illiterate people means 'role-playing game' and colloquially addresses video games even though it can apply to literature and board games. And then I asked, "Is that like Zelda?" And they just stared at me. And I felt dumb in my chair. Stupid puppets.

I know quite a few people actually that work and/or go to school in the gaming universe (all through Westside) so I can probably pillage -I mean ask them meaningful questions and they can point me in the right direction. I just can't do Grand Theft Auto, not for an academic assignment. What about Call of Duty? Or Assassin's Creed? Those are B-A in a big way, even for me.

Now go find somewhere that has great pie and go have a slice.

P.S - I'm watching the State of the Union right now and it should be majestic but I'm SO BORED. Where is Josiah Barlett?

P.P.S - I just saw a link for bacon jam. I don't think it's just me. That's sounds disgusting.

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